Saturday, November 12, 2011

There Must be a God - The Late Brian Burgess Memorial Stakes

Hopefully another  Beaumont blog post will be possible after tomorrows Remembrance Sunday Mass for the BU war dead at the  Beaumont war  memorial but  I shared the following with  Brian's widow and many OBs last night at the annual London Beaumont Region  HCPT greyhound racenight  fund raising event:

The HCPT Group 35 old timers' (excepting young Rachel of course) table in the dining room,   had lost miserably on the first 4 races with each of our fancied hounds vying hungrily  for last place.

The 5th race - The Brian Burgess Memorial Stakes - was  sponsored by the Beaumont Union.  Brian  (RIP) had been the founder leader of HCPT Group 35 so we decided to say a prayer to him to intercede and placed a huge (£5) stake on the outsider to win. The hound, aptly named Incredible Miss, romped home to win. We recouped all our losses and a little more so quit while ahead.

As I said to Brian's widow Elizabeth  (herself a former Group 35 nurse) afterwards,  this surely proves that not only is there a god but also that Brian is  right up there with him.

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AFC Wimbledon

Originally older brother Michael and myself were to attend AFC Wimbledon's home match against Notts County FC yesterday. Mike lives in H...