Monday, June 04, 2012

The Queen - 60 Years On - maytrees ma 10 Weeks to Go

Yesterday the weather was awful - rain cold and sunless - yet meeting the parents of maytrees ma's fiance for lunch yesterday,  followed by a walk to the church and hotel where the wedding and reception are planned for later this year, was not as daunting as might have been expected. The lunch was fun and although we had had to move the dining table into the sitting room to squeeze everybody in, the outcome was a success - at least we thought so.

Meanwhile the Queen spent over 4 hours aboard the royal barge going downstream on the Thames accompanied by some 1000 other vessels and giving the million or so  who traveled up to Town to enjoy the day out, quite something to see hear and cheer about.

Although  much more content to spend the day in Wimbledon planning  for the wedding later this year with  daughter Alice's prospective in laws, than I would have been in watching the queen glide by downstream from  a vantage point in the City, I did find the monarch's quiet charm and dignity very moving.

60 years is a long time in anyone's life and celebrating the queen's 60 years on the throne despite the down beat feel of western life at present is a great national boost. I think that she will out do Queen Victoria's 64 years on the throne  - her 60 year plus stint on the throne to date looks set to be the record for quite some time thereafter.

Back in Wimbledon, the  by now pouring rain, meant that the  tea room at the hotel was too full to admit another half dozen or so for tea so we walked happily back almost singing in the rain.


  1. Reading your piece on H.M.The Queen made me wonder what will follow her demise...She will
    certainly be a hard act to follow.
    I do think Prince Charles will have to up his game, so to speak. Strange isn't it: at an age
    when most people are either retired or actively
    thinking about it, he is still waiting in the wings.
    I believe he can pull it off but it will require a great deal of effort on his part and
    that of the courtiers who run the monarchy behind the scenes. I do not envy him the task.

  2. Greetings Anon - I agree though wonder if he might step aside in favour of the next generation as the young royals the Duke and Duchess of Cambrige seem more in touch with them than Prince Charles, whose boarding school I think was not good for him.


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