Saturday, June 08, 2013

Internet Radio - 18 Months On

Big brother who is a computer teccie recommended my buying an internet radio a year or so back, as such radios enable radio stations from around the world to be accessed as easily and even more clearly, as say Radio 4 in the UK on a conventional radio. Many such  radio stations based abroad are unavailable on local VHF etc anyway. I blog  posted some initial  thoughts on internet radio, about 18 months ago.

Having traveled for the first time to Canada (Vancouver) and the USA (Seattle) only  few months back, upon returning to England I decided to search  on the  internet radio for a local Seattle station and came across one called 'The Mountain 2'. Terrific stuff in my view  so having fixed it as a favourite on the internet radio, now frequently listen to the music it broadcasts which,   is far more fun and enjoyable than say that on BBC Radio 1.

 Mrs maytrees too tells me she far prefers The Mountain 2's music to that from local radio so now  we frequently listen to that channel when say enjoying coffee at home on  Saturday morning and do not usually have to use CDs or an IPlayer to access favourite music.

 Possibly the structure of radio broadcasting in the UK is such that individual  channels tend to have to appeal to a broader taste than elsewhere or more probably, the specialist  smaller radio channels that there are here, do not quite appeal to my listening preferences.

 Interestingly I enjoy BBC Radio 3 which by contrast with Seattle's Mountain 2, largely  specialises in what is sometimes called classical music. Sadly though I fear that Radio 3's output is not attracting very many young generation listeners.Perhaps that is because classical music afficionados   tend in my limited experience, to concentrate on classical music almost to the exclusion of other music, which has its counterpart in rock or folk music lovers not usually being taken with classical.

Interestingly, when visiting my niece in Finland last month,  meeting with her Finnish husband and chatting to them and their children I saw that he, who like my older brother is a computer teccie, had set up in their home an internet radio. which my niece frequently listens to with her favourite internet radio station being -BBC Radio 4.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerry,
    I listen to BBC Radio 4 and the World Service via the Internet. It's the only way I can access them!
    I also download the occasional podcast. How about you?


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