Saturday, February 11, 2023

Expertly Refurbished Chair

Sister in law Jan, who is married to my youngest brother, has in the back garden of their Guildford home, a large, heated, modern looking, garden shed.

Jan uses their garden shed for her furniture recovering business and then sells the refurbished furniture across the country. Initially I believe that her work was akin to little more than a hobby. Whether or not her start-up venture was hobby-like, Jan's work is now really a small business.

Recently, given my  osteoporosis similar to that from which late mother suffered, mrs maytrees and I decided that a comfortable chair with a decently hard back was needed. 

Trips to the Elys of Wimbledon and John Lewis of Kingston upon Thames, revealed that such chairs could be purchased though they had to be manufactured to order. Thus the delay between the date of order and the delivery date was about three months. Of course the costs of such department store purchased chairs, would include VAT at the currently outrageously high rate of 20%, though small businesses with turnovers of up to c.£100,000 pa do not charge VAT on their sales though presumably pay VAT on some of their purchases.

Jan was already  rebuilding such a chair and the fabric she was proposing to use, looked ideal to both of us. 

Decent wing armchairs at Elys and John Lewis were priced at £1,200+ whereas the proposed price of that being refurbished by much loved sister in law, was £600, so we opted for the latter and took delivery at home this week.

A rather good job and very comfortable - thank you Jan!

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