Friday, March 24, 2023

Friends 2023

Out of the blue so to speak, two old friends who used to live in Raynes Park but have long since moved to an estate in Yorkshire got in touch to invite us out to supper at Wimbledon Village Cote.

They were some thirty or forty years ago, in the same Sacred Heart  church discussion group  as we were when Wimbledon was a Jesuit parish. 

Sue went to Cambridge University and was in her College's racing eight, no mean feat particularly then, when there were so few  lady rowers. Seven of her eight were having a reunion in Wimbledon, hence their visit down south.

We very much enjoyed their company and the meal. Surprisingly to me anyway, was the fact that the restaurant was packed, which especially given the current  financial climate, was unexpected, particularly on a Thursday night.

Though Cote is part of a chain, before my oldest sister's recent sad death, mrs maytrees and I used to appreciate a Cote lunch with her at Wokingham's Cote Wokingham,  so presumably the chain is  reasonably small.

The meal was very enjoyable despite the crowd, and I had a tasty, warming, fish stew.

We caught up on rowing; Sue was in the Cambridge ladies' 1st VIII. My rowing was far less refined than Sue's, being only in the final Beaumont's 2nd VIII before the School closed in 1967. 

Lives and children were of course discussed and time flew by. 

A really enjoyable evening together for which sincere thanks to old friends.

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