Thursday, April 06, 2023

Another Baigel Stroll

Younger brother having completed his book, wishes to have a sale to assist in publicising and selling the  tome and has reserved a decent lunchtime slot  for that purpose, at the Bread and Roses pub in Clapham. The pub is run by the Workers' Beer Company incidentally mirroring brother John's  Labour Party  role as a local candidate in the forthcoming May 2023 elections. He will be inviting friends and book buyers to attend there at lunchtime on 22nd April.

We set off at about 11am.  After arriving at Clapham Junction South Western Railway station transferred to the London Overland route to Clapham High Street and walked to the pub.

The pub was closed on Wednesday lunchtime but looked fine to John for his book publication celebration. Then taking the Northern underground Line to Charing Cross, we walked to John's brother in law's children's bookshop, thence on to the Elizabeth Line at Tottenham Court Road. 

The Elizabeth Line is  new, large, airy and fast. This took us to Whitechapel in no time. Walking up the Whitechapel station escalators is hard work and makes one appreciate how deeply the builders must have had to tunnel, in order to build the new line underneath existing London structures.

We walked a fair distance through Whitechapel to the beigel shop.

The people we passed  enroute, all appeared to be in fine spirits. Possibly as a result of the Easter holiday season or maybe because of the warm weather - the sun was shining.

In any event we soon arrived (see  left) though there was a large queue of beigel buyers it being lunchtime (below right). I recall visiting this same shop years ago with our parents; our grandparents themselves had lived nearby. 

The queue for beigels though long, perhaps because of the extra  tourist traffic moved fairly quickly and we soon reached the front. John who kindly purchased my beigels as well as his own, opted for the huge salt beef version that our dad used to love. Somewhat too large for my own appetite, so I opted instead for a couple of plain cheese versions, which proved delicious.

We had lunch in the sunshine on a nearby park wall:

John coped well with his salt beef beigel, which he consumed rather more speedily than I.

After lunch, we decided to take tea at a nearby Japanese  cafe. Not really my cup of tea as they say, perhaps the Japanese prefer warm rather than hot tea though.

 A long walk back to London Bridge station followed tea. They say that walking after a meal is good for one. Certainly, that seemed to be the case  though by the time we reached London Bridge, neither of us was really in the mood to walk the further mile or two to London Waterloo station.  Instead we took the Jubilee line underground to Waterloo, thence with minimum delay, home to Wimbledon.

An excellent day.


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