Saturday, September 28, 2024

Vincent Van Gogh Exhibition

Despite this blog post's title we were unable to view the Van Gogh paintings at the National Gallery yesterday because of some behaviour of a few girls who were presumably moaning about their colleagues being sentenced to shortish terms of imprisonment for earlier just stop oil silliness. 

The ballot box is not a resource which such girls presumably use, though doubtless  supermarket shopping and travel by any means other than bikes, they undertake without a second thought about the oil used by  their shops and transport systems. If protest they must why not at the Chinese embassy  Indian High Commission or embassy of Saudi Arabia to name but a few huge users of coal and/or oil producers?

In the event though despite not being able to visit the Van Gogh exhibition younger brother, his wife, youngest sister, mrs maytrees and I enjoyed visiting the nearby National Portrait Gallery after an enjoyable lunch there together.








The above paintings are from different rooms of the National Portrait Gallery and the visit there was most enjoyable.

There were copies of a prize collection in a booklet published by the solicitors of which my my old friend the late John Farr RIP was  a partner John Farr RIP


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