Saturday, October 26, 2024

Bushy Park

Younger brother and I decided to take a walk through Bushy Park near Hampton Court, yesterday whilst our respective wives were taking lunch together  with friends.

Unlike Richmond Park or Wimbledon Common, Bushy Park has a large section from which dogs are banned I think to protect wild fowl rather than humans, but welcome for humans none the less. 

Another attraction of Bushy Park is that there is large cafe restaurant in the non-dog zone. However entirely down to yours truly, we rather wandered away from the direct walk there after leaving the car park. Still the exercise was worthwhile despite the result being a rather late lunch. The lunch in my case of fish,  chips,  mushy peas and an Italian lemon drink, followed by a fresh fruit salad was fine. Younger brother enjoyed his chicken burger, chips and a beer from a Devon brewery the name of which I cannot recall though he was kind enough to buy both of our meals.

Given the long walk through the park to the cafe, we decided to use Google for the return journey. Almost amusingly we started back initially in the opposite direction to  the correct course, a mistake I often make when starting a walk mapped on Google.

We quickly rectified the error and made tracks for the car which we reached before  rainfall.

A tiring but very enjoyable afternoon. 

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