Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ring out the Old

After 206 years my day job firm will on 1st October 2006 amalgamate with a similar
sized firm. I'll post more about this marriage of professionals in a while,
but today there was space and time enough for a glass of champagne for the partners together,
to celebrate what has I think been a very good innings for a very good
firm and to look forward to the next two centuries or so,
being as worthwhile as the last two.

At the turn of the 19th century, the firm was at the fore of opposing religious
discrimination against Catholics in Great Britain.
Some of the concerns for the UK at the commencement of the 21st century still
involve religion but not so much emancipation, as toleration, and live and let live.

Interesting but testing, times are ahead for us all.

1 comment:

  1. I've added the link to the new firm.

    It must be good for two
    firms of secular lawyers whose
    roots seperately
    lie with Catholics and Methodists,
    to unite.

    Maybe the example will
    eventually be followed by the religious leaders as well.


Old Friends

One of the biological facts of age, at least in my own case is that the older one becomes, the more friends that fall by the wayside though ...