Sunday, January 03, 2010

Why Irish Eyes are Smiling 2nd Version

The 1st version posted a few weeks back was a pun on words following the disappointing reversal of the Irish Lisbon referendum from nays to ayes.

This time though having had an Irish sister in law visit for a few days, all eyes in the maytrees household really are smiling, both Irish and English, in the light of her outstanding kindness and unstinting generosity. Having so many maytrees' in-laws they are sometimes apt to be treated more like outlaws than family but such was the exuberance of sister in law's generosity that the whole household was uplifted.

Huge thank yous from all - 'no names no pack drill' applies - you know who you are.


  1. 'Irish eyes' delighted with your post!!

  2. And a very Happy New Year to you, Jerry, and to all those near and dear to you.
    In reply to your comment on my blog, you were obviously a far more intrepid young man than I was! The only thing that springs (remotely) to mind is a summer trip with a friend (also from Beaumont) to Dinard in Brittany. We arrived by night train and went directly to the beach where I promptly fell asleep. I woke up several hours later with terrible sunburn and spent the rest of our "holiday" lying on my bed in some rickety hotel. Give me Thebes any day!


Family Breakfast at The Wolseley Piccadilly

Oldest  son Ed having come to England for a 40th birthday treat for his wife Gillian, most of us decided to meet them both for breakfast at ...