Sunday, February 28, 2010

After the Lord Mayor's Show

In the wake of dad's great 90th birthday party yesterday, the freezing cold wet windy and grey start to the day, accentuated the 'after the lord mayor's show' anti climax atmosphere. 

Even jogging over Wimbledon Common before breakfast this morning  did little to improve the pervading  feeling of wet wintery gloom. Much of the Common was waterlogged if not flooded and the cold, biting wind driving heavy rain before it soaking  to the  skin anyone mad enough to be out and about,   added to the bitterly cold effect. I spied a 5k race being organised but did not envy the few competitors making their  way to the start in a desultory sort of way.

Still it was great to see crocuses, snowdrops and other wild spring flowers just begining to brave the elements. When spring does eventually come, there is bound to be a mass of colour and energy as the normal  flowering of  flora and  fauna  staggered over  several weeks,  happen together  this year over a few days.

Reading the Sunday papers over coffee did not help lift sprits overmuch.  So much earthquake fire famine and pestilence. But in USA Utah state there is talk of bringing in charges of murder for women who miscarry. What nonsense is this where on the one hand  aborting a baby is talked of as a woman's right to choose but on the other a miscarriage of a baby from the womb could be akin to killing it.  Killing babies in the womb on purpose should be considered murder or manslaughter but   by accident...?

Some words of a song at Mass today helped dispel some of the gloom and  maybe signpost the spring to come:

Be still, for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around;
He burns with holy fire,
With splendour He is crowned.
How awesome is the sight,
Our radiant King of light!
Be still, for the glory of the Lord
Is shining all around

Next week at last  the Spring?

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