Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Up in the Air

Mrs maytrees and I both find the new HMV Curzon cinema in Wimbledon a decidedly attractive place to have a drink and enjoy a film. Obviously HMV are trying to make a business success of it but the absence of crowds and the presence of a different selection of films than usually on offer at the more normal commercial cinemas, do make HMV good place to enjoy films.

Up in the Air, which we saw last week is a little like  some day job work,  employment based. However unlike  such day job work,  the excellent George Clooney is commissioned  by big corporate  bosses too cowardly and insensitive to  'let  their own staff go', directly and personally, to do their dirty work for them. This means that GClooney has to jet around America gold card style and essentially has no place to call home and hardly any personal relationships of his own. His lifestyle is then disrupted by a young graduate upstart Ms Farmiga  selling the idea to his boss that the people he fires face to face for other big businesses, could just as easily and far  more cheaply be fired over the internet via video link. To try to show her how wrong she is he persuades her to come and watch himself at work; whilst so doing she is ditchedby her boyfriend by text mesage thus seemingly making George Clooney 's point but there is more to his point than meets the eye - his or hers or Anna Kendrick's.

Very interesting and much fun - a great  but fleeting, escape from some of the prevailing  cold grey  Wimbledon winter.

1 comment:

  1. By a strange coincidence, Mr and Mrs Subliminal also saw the film yesterday - and greatly enjoyed it too!


Family Breakfast at The Wolseley Piccadilly

Oldest  son Ed having come to England for a 40th birthday treat for his wife Gillian, most of us decided to meet them both for breakfast at ...