Saturday, April 24, 2010

UK Parliamentary Elections 2010

The second of the three debates scheduled for the leaders of the main UK political parties was as interesting as the first and paves the way for what may be some real drama in the third next week. I still feel that the absence of any women UK political leaders at present is a disadvantage - we could do with a high profile lady such as Hilary Clinton (though I am not sure that I would agree with Mrs Clinton's political views). Sky TV could at least have had a woman referee for the debate and their news feed at the foot of the screen was an irriating distraction.

Nonetheless each of the three UK men came across well again and might be said to be a credit to our political system. Lib Dem's Nick Clegg appeals to those who enjoy TV reality shows (which I do not) as his party's policies got the Lib Dems nowhere before these debates opened less than two weeks ago whereas now if the newspapers are to be believed, he is a real contender for the top job.

Gordon Brown's opening remarks to the effect that he was not into the celeb culture were to the point I thought. David Cameron also acquitted himself well with his emphasis on the needs to rein in national indebtedness and avoid what he calls the jobs' tax ie forthcoming increase in NI rates.

All three leaders nicely dealt with what in cricketing terms might be desribed as the questioner who bowled the googly by raising the issue of the forthcoming visit to the UK by his Holiness the Pope, in the context of the dreadful child protection issues that are raging around the media at present. The questioner might have also have had the issue of the Churches' stance on homosexuality in mind when raising his point as statistically, child abuse is a rather wider (going well beyond clergy involvement) tragedy for mankind than the media reports currently suggest. The politicians might have made a number of points about such stance so I was disappointed when instead David Cameron seemed to choose to disagree with the Pope's position on abortion - that issue is far too important for off the cuff comments and remains a huge reason for witholding support to the Lib Dems. It was the Liberal Party leader David Steel who tabled the then Abortion Bill to Parliament in 1966.

Both David Cameron and Gordon Brown have far more personal experience of private and personal family child grief and related hardships than I have had (so far). I disagree with some of their views about genetics and related topics but can see where they are coming from.

Overall; though both men seem able enough now is the time for a new broom to sweep the nation.


  1. Very interesting analysis with which I agree on the whole ("I agree with Jerry"!) I thought it was good that the three leaders were obliged to keep their answers short, but I sometimes felt that the subjects were dealt with TOO superficially.

  2. Greetings Barnaby

    I suppose treating any of the topics being debated in more depth would result in fewer topics being dicussed, would not be good TV and may make the debates too grey for some to concentrate upon for their entire length.
    Interesting point made in one of today's Sunday papers about how Nick Clegg apparently an aetheist, has married a catholic and has agreed to bring up his children as catholics. The author makes the point that some marriages thrive on such differences whereas they can be anathema in political parties.


Family Breakfast at The Wolseley Piccadilly

Oldest  son Ed having come to England for a 40th birthday treat for his wife Gillian, most of us decided to meet them both for breakfast at ...