Sunday, August 01, 2010

Humanity Happiness and Friendship

Meeting an old friend by chance  after evening Mass last night, I was reminded of how much joy can be engendered by ordinary human happenings. She mentioned that her daughter was expecting her first baby in a few months time (meaning too that she will be a grandma). The happiness caused by this news was  obvious with  grandma-to-be radiating her pleasure, profound and infectious as I was really made happy for her.

We were then joined   in this post-Mass streetside conversation by two other old friends who added to the feeling of celebration by announcing that  their daughter had just told them of her engagement to be married.

The beneficial  effects of living in the same town for many years especially one where there is still an active parish life, include  the growing familiarity  with and recognition of and by other people and their faimilies also  living round and about and  chance meetings  greetings and gossip.

These  add to the warmth  and feeling of purpose about  life, even in  suburban SW19 and SW20.

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