Saturday, March 02, 2013

Moody Blues 2013

No this is not a commentary on the great pop group that came into being in the 1960s but rather a feeling that  the nation currently seems obsessed with bad or negative news to such an extent that it is hard to find positive news in newspapers left or right wing or TV or other news  media.

As a result of this omission, a list of  a few of positive events that the media seems to  mention only occasionally or even  ignore are worth mentioning so in no particular order, here goes:

The entertainments industry is thriving not only locally here in London but also in many parts of the world. EG Steven Spielberg's 'Lincoln', the American film which I went to recently with maytrees min and about which I have already  posted separately  and one of its   star actors Daniel Day Lewis won Oscars at the recent film award celebrations. Yes this has featured in the media but is not a bad start to my list.

Public Transport in London which I use daily, seems to improve almost in proportion to the number of passengers carried.  For example  after a farewell supper for a retiring day job partner a couple of days back, which farewell was far more enjoyable than I had been expecting and which finished  hours later than planned, I left the restaurant after 11pm to begin the journey from SW1 to SW20. Immediately an 88 bus  stopped by and took me directly to Vauxhall SWTrain station. Upon reaching the platform an homeward bound train was arriving and I was home well before midnight and, courtesy of both left and right wing mayors of London, fare free. The media never seems to tire of grumbling about   public transport difficulties  but  its services are hardly mentioned when they are first rate..

Mass at 07:30 this morning was quietly moving and uplifting as indeed it invariably is.

Jogging over Wimbledon Common at dawn both reminds one of the glory of being alive and provides time for reflection and thought.

Debate is taking place (admittedly on the radio) about people returning to Cameroon to facilitate the rebuilding of that country.

Large numbers of young disabled and able bodied young people are preparing for the annual HCPT pilgrimage to Lourdes  during Easter Week with the charity or I should say charities  involved now far broader than British/Irish. The trust was started in 1956 by Doctor Michael Strode helped I think by two disabled children who traveled  from Chailey in Sussex to Lourdes with him and a medic. Now the HCPT Easter pilgrims total over 5000.  I never understand why this annual event is so rarely commented upon in the media except of course if there are any accidents or incidents.

The London Borough of Merton of which Wimbledon forms part, is effectively like the UK national government, run by a coalition with no one party having an overall  majority.I believe it to be the only London coalition-type council The results so far are not bad at all yet rarely is this  local council commented  upon positively. More interestingly the unusual fact of a British coalition government so far seems positive  overall yet all the media seem to concentrate on are the outcomes of some difficult decision making which is usually commented upon negatively,  or of course  politicians' personal  failings.

Internet radio gives even non teccies like yours truly access to radio stations around the world. For example  'The Mountain 2'   near to Seattle USA,  is as accessible and free  as the UK's  Radio 4. The Mountain 2's music output is attractive and for those who hark back to the '60s pop type music, almost familiar.  Great music to enjoy at home  with coffee on Saturday mornings.

Polio is almost eradicated from the world (this is recorded in the media) - hopefully that scourge will soon follow small pox to academic history.

I could go on...

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