Saturday, January 21, 2017

New American President

Watching for a few minutes on the BBC  TV news yesterday, the installation of the new  USA president Donald Trump, made me realise how in many respects, the ceremony mirrored the parades in Moscow years back when the USSR liked to show off its power publicly in the streets of the Russian capital city. 

The principal difference to an outside observer  of yesterday's presidential signing in, appeared to be that the USSR then, was even more concerned than the USA  is now, to show  its array of armaments and big guns to the world at large. I know not what Russian leaders said in the 1960s/70s either but  would guess that their words have some resonance with those of Donald Trump today.

On a more positive  human note Donald Trump at age 70 appears to have boundless energy which would be a credit to a man half his age. Other than that though Mr Trump's public statements during his election campaign gave the appearance of a politician whose demeanour sensitivity and comprehension of the difficulties faced by mankind at present, compare poorly with many of his current European counterparts.

Angel Merkel  for example has of course made mistakes as most politicians do from time to time and her views are not always attractive but as a  senior politician her apparent understanding of ordinary humanity, the world's and her own country's problems, is in my humble opinion head and shoulders above that known to date at least, of Donald Trump. 

Similarly Theresa May is not everyone' cup of tea even in the UK but again her stateswoman like approach to the problems of  not only the UK but also more generally as regards mankind, sadly puts her far above Donald Trump.

The world awaits with almost baited breath, as to the actions  to be taken in the days and years ahead of the new President of the USA - perhaps his future actions will be far more attractive than his past words - I hope so.

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