Sunday, June 25, 2017

Europe and the UK

One of the main issues affecting the continuing argument  about leaving the EU, at least within the UK, concerns the almost extreme ways in which the  arguments are put by both sides. For example, those in favour of the EU harp on about  how negative everything is in the UK and how much worse that is likely to come after Brexit. Those keen on the country leaving the EU, expound theories of the need for controls over immigration to revert to the UK and for the  sums spent by the UK on supporting Brussels being  too large and unfair.

The reality is surely that  both the EU and UK  have huge areas of room for improvement. Personally being a lukewarm remainer  I have become less and less enthusiastic about the EU when reading the arguments being put by those with vested interests for staying in the EU. 

I fully expect after Brexit that the EU will ensure that many of their excesses are reformed perhaps starting with the unfettered right of immigration from one EU country to another which has  helped to cause the UK population to increase  hugely in only a few years. Why an immigration brake could not have been offered to the UK when David Cameron was seeking terms to recommend a remain vote in the UK referendum is beyond me.

In fact Germany which unilaterally opened to doors to waves of immigration from Africa to Europe has never apologised for that error which was in my view compounded by the threat of fines on other EU countries which did not accept what was then deemed to be their share of such immigration. Surely the proper reaction to the immigration crisis would have been to have held an emergency EU summit and reached decisions on fair ways forward collectively?

Of course refugees need assistance but a sensible immigration policy should be given priority.

Interesting also that C21 sees more and more regional power being devolved to countries within the UK really as a result of local pressures with the result that Scotland and Wales now have their own regional assemblies with significant powers. Northern Ireland too though for local reasons that is in abeyance at present.

 Additionally many large English cities including London have their elected mayors with  local powers previously exercised by central government or in reality new powers. 

Control within the EU appears to becoming more and more central and less and less democratic (was Donald Tusk actually elected by anyone?). 

Either the  pressure  within the UK for more and more government to be devolved locally is peculiar to this country or the EU will if it does not reform, begin to face huge pressures for change in  similar ways to that already affecting the UK - interesting times indeed.

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