Saturday, January 06, 2018

London Stock Exchange/AIM Picks for 2018

2018 may prove to be a difficult year for investors in stocks and shares at least in the UK. Already house prices at least in London are showing signs of beginning to fall although so far quite gently. The fall may be caused partly by increases in stamp duty for some higher priced homes but even so, falls in house prices may be mirrored by falls in the prices of stocks and shares.

Additionally of course share indices in many Western countries including those in the UK and USA have reached record levels and many newspapers and experts, are predicting falls.

Bearing in mind the dark investing clouds that may be forming, my picks for 2018 are:

1. CLNR - Cluff Natural Resourses -  I hope will do a deal for its North Sea Gas interests this year.
Bid share price 2.75p
2. GGP - Greatland Gold - Results of one of its  Australian mining operations. expected this year.
Bid share price 2.23p
3. BLU - Blue Star Capital - the sum of its parts seems worth more than its share  price at present.
Bid share price 0.54p
4. MSYS - Microsaic Systems - Its sp has fallen over a couple of years  which fall seems overdone.
Bid share price 4p
5. CHAL - Challenger Acquisitions - President Trump's USA dash for cash may mean their NY wheel will be built in 2018.
Bid share price 0.55p

Of course the share prices of the above companies may be hit as hard as other share prices in a crash but my own view is that the above will see the year out at share prices higher than they stood at yesterday (the bid price given for each company is that at yesterday's  London Stock Exchange close). 

I do hold some shares in some of the above companies but largely for fun if not interest. 

Thus anyone who reads this blog post should certainly do their own research before buying the above or any other shares.

And a prosperous new year to all.

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