Saturday, May 26, 2018

Tempus Fugit

The arrival home last night of maytrees max for the long week-end to celebrate his 40th birthday is a reminder of how quickly time passes hence this blog-post title.

Interestingly upon taking a stroll through Wimbledon earlier this morning I chanced upon, separately, two couples. The first were preparing to shop for a meal essentially to repay a family who had treated then royally in an hotel in Warwickshire some months ago. 

The Warwickshire family are friends  of  one of the Wimbledon friends'  two daughters - both daughters  were/are well known to us (one having tragically died of cancer two years ago). 

The daughters' parents had also just returned from Gozo off Malta, where mrs maytrees some of our family including maytrees min and her friend, whose  own father was dying (he has since died)  had also had an unusual and enjoyable holiday, a few years back.  

We exchanged comments about families, Malta, Gozo and  of course meals particularly as the maytrees' family 40th birthday celebration is booked for Pollen Street Social later this afternoon.

The second  was the chairman of governors of  local girls' school and his wife. They told me that their 28 year daughter  who had been at school with maytrees min was married. We laughed at the recollection of how tiny they were  and how quickly time has passed since then.

Speaking with both families made me reflect afterwards that the title of this blog-post is apt - time really does fly.

As a result of the flight of time, there is I reflect a need to make one's  own short life, as good and full as possible, of course having regard to the need to keep eyes and ears open for others, not least family members.

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