Saturday, June 23, 2018

The New World Order

The current the world political order is in a state of flux. The order that prevailed since the end of WWII was largely one of "The West" led by the USA and the rest with the USSR  being the principal  object of major  concern, though this began to diminish following the Cuban Missile crisis - see Cuban and N. Korean Missile Crises 

The next development was essentially the collapse of the Soviet Union leading to the formation of separate independent states including of course Russia and the Ukraine yet comparatively recently, sadly Russia  usurped  Crimea  from the Ukraine, by force.

Meanwhile China began to emerge as an huge trading nation albeit still under autocratic rather than democratically elected, leadership.

People in C21 at least in "The West"  are becoming more disgruntled about the previously established (post WWII) world order, hence the rise of the 5* movement in Italy, Brexit in the UK and the election of Donald Trump in the USA. Additionally  as the Guardian newspaper reported:

 But Austria’s move to the right has striking echoes of that in neighbouring Hungary. It is a reminder that, two years after the migration crisis in the Balkans, the issues still trigger anger and threaten establishment parties. The new government in Vienna, whatever form it takes, is likely to add Austria’s voice to others in central and southern Europe that will approach the problems of Europe from a more sharply nationalistic standpoint.
The rightward lurch in Austria, coinciding with the showdown between Catalonia and Spain, is also a reminder that the populist ferment in Europe takes different forms but is far from dead
China at about the same time has begun to flex its military muscles by taking over rocky outcrops in  waters  perceived to be international and  building  military runways upon some, giving grave offence to other countries including Japan. The USA as  result has taken naval ships through the waters claimed by China, to signify their international status as seen by other countries including the USA.

The USA meanwhile under relatively newly elected President Donald Trump, is  also taking a far more belligerent stance with its 'allies' than it has done for many years although  on a far more positive note, he appears to be assisting the North Koreans to become less belligerent. Previous Presidents of the USA and for that matter Russia and China have failed to reduce tensions caused by that country's nuclear armaments.

Trade wars involving large new import tariffs being placed on imported goods are occurring following Donald Trump's  strong attitude to China and the EU (including the UK despite this country's decision to quit that organisation). 

The attempts by the UK to isolate Russia as a consequence of the poisonings and attempted murders  in the UK of the Skripals in Salisbury as recently as April 2018, are at risk of being diluted by President Trump who seems likely  to meet the Russian President shortly after visiting the UK and  Theresa  May. He has also made clear his wish for the G8 group of countries to be reformed by reinstating Russia, which was expelled in 2016.

The Russian coup in hosting  the international World Cup, currently being played in that country and watched by millions around the world, is possibly creating more dilution of the world view of Russian political and other actions, than any  international trade and other sanctions can hope to achieve.

President Trump's wish to seek rapprochement  with Russia is being mirrored by his criticisms of NATO and countries' financial contributions or lack of them, to that organisation.

Many western countries including of course the UK which already has Brexit issues to deal with, will need to review their own  rapidly changing positions in the world.

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