Saturday, November 24, 2018

The National Theatre

Winter months in the UK tend to become wet windy and cold by late November and this year is no exception.  Further the only news that the UK media are interested in currently, appears to be Brexit related about which I have already commented so  apolitical observations  are probably called for at this time. More about Brexit will surely follow in a week or two though.

News and pictures from  maytrees mi. who has been posted to New Zealand for two years, report  sun, warmth and time on the beach there as  they in the  world's Southern Hemisphere enjoy Spring whilst we in the Northern Hemisphere cope with Winter.

Nonetheless winter months tend to make plays and films at theatres and cinemas, more attractive to attend and view, a point which The National Theatre seems rather cleverly in my opinion, to be making a point about as their recent email to me reads:
Enter the ballot for the chance to see When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other

The ticket ballot for When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other is now open ...

The production reunites writer Martin Crimp (Attempts on her Life, In the Republic of Happiness) and director Katie Mitchell (Waves, Cleansed). Cate Blanchett makes her National Theatre debut alongside Stephen Dillane.

Due to limited ticket numbers and anticipated high demand, there will be no general sale for tickets to this production;

On the other hand as the play may not be a production that I would normally buy tickets for, this may simply be a clever marketing ploy.

We can but wait and see.

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