Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas 2018

Christmas  2018 is fast approaching and irrespective of changes, trials and tribulations,  taking place throughout the world today, Christmas is the season of goodwill to all.

One of the more interesting pieces in this morning's Times newspaper, is in  the Credo section, written this week by The Rev Alasdair Paine, Vicar at St Andrew the Great Cambridge.

Alasdair interestingly recounts the foretellings of the coming of Jesus in Bible passages from the Old Testament, written centuries before the birth of Jesus at Bethleham, culminating in the New Testament Gospel descriptions of the Nativity of Christ. 

Alasdair illustrates his  point  firstly with reference to the Book of Genesis, which of course recounts the falling of mankind through the temptations of the serpent but which also hints at the Saviour to come. 

The next reading he refers to, identifies the promises made to Abraham about the great people to follow and the Saviour being born from this people, in Israel. 

His third reference is to the prophecy of Isaiah many years before Christ, of the "Great One" to come - a king like no other; then the fourth reference is of course to the Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus.

He also  reminds the reader or at least myself, that Handel in his Messiah refers to Isaiah's prophecy (see above).

I take this opportunity of wishing all and any readers of this blog, a very Happy and Holy Christmas.

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