Saturday, September 12, 2020

Autobiography - Publicity

The publishers of my book have spontaneously suggested some draft publicity presumably to help sales. Particularly as I had not sought this, I am grateful and not a little impressed. The blurb is below:



The Wandering Soul: Fascinating Memoir Details Life of Pilgrim, Solicitor and Inquirer


‘The Wandering Soul’ takes readers on a gripping journey through the life of Jerry Hawthorne, from his childhood years and RAF service to his successful pilgrimages, volunteerism and career as a solicitor – culminating in Hawthorne serving as the honorary solicitor for the 1982 visit to the UK of His Holiness Pope John Paul II. It’s a life that has been full of challenge and opportunity – environments in which Hawthorne has thrived.



Steve Robson




United Kingdom – In today’s world, seventy is considered young. Yet, Jerry Hawthorne has packed so much into seven decades that it could fill a book. Literally, it does!


‘The Wandering Soul’ details the author’s life as a solicitor, pilgrim and unwavering servant to the communities in which he has thrived. It’s a memoir unlike any other on the shelves.




In his book, the author describes his life from age two, after the second world war, to seventy today.


His early life in an RAF nissen hut in Lytham St Annes; hard times at boarding schools; an archaeological dig at Milton Keynes; lengthy train travel to Istanbul; smallpox requiring departure from Turkey to Cyprus military base, thence by ship to Egypt, Port Alexandria and military train to Luxor, in a country eerily awaiting developments after the destruction of three jumbo jets.


He also describes his time in New York, Washington and Philadelphia, meeting his wife while hitch hiking in Ireland; working for two legal firms and for the catholic church, both positive as the latter included the successful visit to the UK by Pope John Paul II, but negative as it involved appalling child protection cases.

 In fact I gather that because of the dreadful Covid-19 pandemic many people who have been housebound for weeks have taken to writing books so this Christmas dozens of new titles will be competing for the shelves.

The Wandering Soul was completed just before the pandemic caused a national lock down in the UK. 

Looking through the book once more there are so many features of travel, office working, being with people and adventure that would be very difficult if not impossible for many people today, whilst Covid-19 remains such a pestilence the world over.

Hopefully all who read this post will keep safe.

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