Saturday, December 26, 2020

Wishing all a Very Holy Christmas and Safe New Year

Christmas Mass at dawn  at the Sacred Heart Church Wimbledon  was  because of the Covid-19 pandemic, different from any previous  Christmas Mass that I have attended but nevertheless as holy as ever.

Because of  concerns about Covid-19,  every alternate bench in the church was roped off with each of the others being divided into two, so that I for example had a half bench to myself. Furthermore to attend mass, one had to book using a special parish booking form. No carols could be sung again for Covid-19 reasons though one or two recorded carols were played.

By a happy coincidence,  the person at the other end of my roped off bench was a mother of  three children one of whom had been  in the same class at preparatory school as maytrees min. 

After mass we chatted for some time, not having seen each other for some 25 years. Alison's daughter like maytrees ma is a teacher of 16 to 18 year olds at  a secondary school. Alison's daughter lives on a houseboat with her long term boyfriend whereas maytrees ma who teaches at Cobham Surrey lives in  house in Guildford.

We parted ways on a sunny Christmas morning.

I wish all readers,  very happy Christmas holidays and  a safe, prosperous  2021.

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