Quite why the BBC and newspapers concentrate so much on whether the UK PM had a drinks party or two when the country was formally in Chinese 'flu lockdown, is unclear to me, as an illegal bring a bottle party or two is far less serious even if the PM is at fault, than the Russia and Ukraine situation which has been escalating there for weeks.
Only now, whilst the BBC for example, has to wait a few days for is it, Sue Gray's report on the PM's parties, has the risk of war in the Ukraine seem to have become its headline news on a more regular basis.
Having regard to the British problems with the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland only a few years ago, my view is that the issues with The Ukraine are best left to that country and Russia to resolve between them. Yes they may fight and murder as sadly happened in Ireland but will the fighting and killing be any less severe if NATO for example is involved as well? I am doubtful.
Going further back, the Netflix film "Munich The Edge of War" which mrs maytrees and I watched recently, could be said to illustrate that this country, at least now, as President Putin is hardly in the same league as Hitler was, would best be neutral as regards the Russian Ukrainian situation.
True, we have already sent anti tank weapons to Ukraine but in my humble opinion, if such measures fail to deter the Russians, we should become neutral in the matter. The official position of the EU about this is unclear so far but since we have left the EU, we should ourselves prepare to take a strong stand on neutrality.
Issues in Northern Ireland a generation ago, were poor enough through discrimination against Catholics and the army there was hardly perfect either nor were the various IRA gangs, though thankfully such discrimination has long since been outlawed and imperfections in Ireland north and south, diminished. The situation in Northern Ireland though was made far worse by outsiders such as Libya, supplying arms to the fighting gangs.
The UK, at least if the Russians do invade their neighbour in Eastern Europe, should not at any such time add more weapons' fuel to the fire but should formally announce neutrality.
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