Saturday, October 22, 2022

NHS 2022

Having  fainted at home, an ambulance was called for me by mrs maytrees. Contrary to media reports that waiting time for ambulances runs to hours, the ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and took me to St George's NHS hospital SW17, where soon afterwards, a private room was provided for me in the hospital's acute wing.

It turned out that Covid -19 afflicted me despite 4 vaccinations. At the same time I also had 'flu, which all caused the re-emergence of  AF which had been successfully dealt with by  an operation some 9 years ago. 

Also there were apparently some heart issues so I remained as an inpatient for the following  nine days,  being discharged only yesterday evening.

The media is largely uniform these days, for example bashing the government, the NHS and taxation. However not only was treatment at St George's carefully provided, every member of staff from cleaners to consultants, was kind and hard working.

A choice of meals was offered three times daily with tea and biscuits between times, all free of payment.

Eventually I asked a registrar on Friday afternoon if I could be discharged and then return as an outpatient. She said that she would enquire of the consultant before people left work for the w/e.

Half an hour later she returned saying that the consultant had agreed but that I would have to see him at the heart clinic on Tuesday which of course I am happy to do.

The hospital having provided three months supply of the necessary medicines, I was collected by mrs maytrees and after thanking the staff, was homeward bound.

Reading about health services in for example, Sweden today, I feel fortunate to have been dealt with so carefully, quickly, and without financial charge by the NHS, though change will I am sure, take place soon as it must fast be becoming unaffordable to the taxpayer.

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