Saturday, November 05, 2022

Economic and other Recession

The realisations that Russia's president is a war criminal; that China having essentially  ousted all women from its leadership, hardly to mention Syria, North Korea, bring together many western concerns about economic recession. 

However well before the Russians invaded Ukraine, there was already a recession in religious interest in the West at least although declarations of religiosity in Russia Syria or say Qatar, are hardly  meaningful when those countries are at war, or ban with threats of  imprisonment or even death, single sex relationships.

There is reported today an interesting piece by the Coalition for Marriage catholic group.

North Korea is one of the most brutal totalitarian regimes in the world today, something which Timothy Cho – ...– knows better than most. He was just a boy when his mother and father, both school teachers, had to run for their lives leaving him alone in North Korea to fend for himself.

Timothy speaks of how difficult it was to grow up without his parents, and how ‘significant’ family is for young children.

Timothy later escaped to China, but was sent back to North Korea and imprisoned. Eventually escaping again, he made it to the UK where 16 years later he now lives with his British wife and they are expecting their second child.

Despite the terrible conditions the ordinary people suffer at the hands of the regime, their close-knit communities place a strong emphasis on the nuclear family. Timothy told me that one of the most unexpected differences he has found in the West is its casual attitude towards marriage and sexuality.

Despite the regime making practising a faith illegal, Timothy believes that it is North Korea’s pre-Communist Christian values which have helped to maintain some strong emphasis on family life.

Timothy now works with cross-governmental groups and international organisations to help the plight of his fellow countrymen. However, attitudes are such in the UK that he sees an equal need for promoting marriage and supporting families here.

Yes the Russian invasion and other regimes'

brutalities are appalling but there is little doubt but

that many western countries have moved

towards self with concentration on human rights

to the exclusion of human duties

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