Saturday, October 07, 2023

Beaumont Union Lunch


The annual lunch of the Beaumont Union was this year held at London's Caledonian Club, which is in Halkin Street London SW1.

Taking the train from Wimbledon I happened across Michael Burgess, one of the  older brothers of the late Brian Burgess - see Brian Burgess RIP. Michael sensibly alighted at Clapjam Junction to take another train to Victoria, whereas as I told him, I was  going on the Vauxhall from where I would walk to the old offices of Witham Weld thence on to the Caledonian Club.

Following the departure to new premises of the old firm, the former Witham Weld offices have been made into a single residence by I believe some Russians.  At least from outside of the building, the new decor with for example, chandeliers everywhere, is not to my taste but the property seemed not to be occupied as yet in any event.

Further up St George's Square, there semed to be what appeared to be an English  flag flying, presumably I reflected, to honour the English  rugby team in the ongoing  rugby world cup still being played in France. However as I approached the building,  the flag turned out to be   slightly diferent from the usual St George's  English flag and the premises turned out to be the Georgian Embassy, which had taken up its offices there after I had left the old firm.

After several delays, I eventually found The Caledonian Club and was very happy to join many in my school year over lunch. The company was excellent as was the port  though  the Scottish  food was not especially to my taste.

Interestingly, at another table were many who had travelled over the years to Lourdes with the HCPT and before the speeches it was enjoyable catching up with old Beaumont pilgrims, one of whom gave me the book above in support of the work of Beaumont old boys and many others, in endeavouring to have the late Brother Michael canonized.

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