Friday, December 15, 2023

2024 Predictions

Usually my predictions for the new year, include newspapers, but that is harder for 2024 because of the government's  recent decision to question the proposed takeover of The Telegraph by a Middle Eastern state, which state seems  to treat women and men as unequal in life.


The wars in Gaza, Israel, Ukraine and Afghanistan will alas continue. The two state solution was rejected by Palestine in 1947 and will not be agreed in 2024. But tragically, far easier to predict  what will not happen in that region there than what will.

The USA will sadly fail to elect a younger man or woman to be their next President.

The Chinese will suffer more internal disputes  next year than they have this year.

AFC Wimbledon will beat Ipswich in their FA Cup match against Ipswich on 6th January next year.

When I telephoned the Telegraph to cancel my subscription because of the proposed Middle Eastern take over, they did not argue. Perhaps large payments are being offered to the Telegraph directors to induce them to be  quiet.  

The 'I' newspaper is still ok.  The Independent, is not politically, having moved very leftwards,  is on-line only and may not survive 2024. 

The Guardian/Observer will continue though the papers are too left wing for me and are riven by internal squabbles. Still they appear to have finance enough.

The Times  is foreign owned but is not a bad read at all. Its subscription cost renders the paper  more affordable. The Sun I do not read but that has the same owner.  

The FT despite being Japanese owned is still excellent, though I read that paper courtesy of maytrees max.

The Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday are still British owned but in my view appeal more to women than men. They will continue to expand successfully perhaps through more online subscripton arrangements.

The Spectator is always a good read but is also in line for a take over. I would prefer the Mail rather than Middle Eastern owners to have the Spectator though there is a rumour of a Spectator readers' buy out, which would be best.

I know nowt about  other large newspapers.

So probably  only the Telegraph will change much in 2024.

A UK general election will not be held next year but in January 2025.

There will be talk of reforming the NHS as there always is but  some deep political thought about that will at last at least begin in 2024.

More questions will be raised about the advantages/disadvantages of being part of a large conglomorate of states. The disadvantages will be raised more  next year than this.

If  the prediction above about no UK general election until 2025 proves incorrect so that  there is such an election next year, Labour will win.

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