Wednesday, February 07, 2024

The Crown at Bonhams Auction Rooms

Youngest brother John, mrs maytrees and I visited Bonhams earlier this week to view the props made by or for Netflix for  their successful series of The Crown.

I am not a fan of Netflix and do not subscribe. Neither am I really a fan of the British monarchy in principle.   In practice though, a monarchy  is worth having to avoid the expense of electing a president, not to mention the tactics that for example the Americans, seem to suffer from about which there is much publicity, especially during their election seasons. There are too dreadful 'problems' with Putin style  and some South American presidents.

QE II though proved to be a successful  post WWII Queen of the United Kingdom. King Charles III her son is not doing badly so far either. I have particular sypmpathy for him though. He is about the same age as I  and likewise attended a boarding school. His medic's discovery in the past few days, of cancer during another op. tragically reminds me of my old friend John. He was the about the King's age but died last year John Farr after medics likewise discovered  terminal cancer during a simple op. that he underwent a few days before his death. Reports about King Charles III's school sound pretty dreadful to me anyway whereas ours,  see Beaumont College was not too bad.

Despite reservations about kings and queens, the Crown display at Bonhams was well worth the travel. One needed tckets to view but these were free of cost.

Pictures of some of the exhibits include:

The photo left, is of younger brother John who was interested in the models of the late Queen's corgis though I was more amused to be pictured by accident in the mirror behind the corgis, as the photograph was being taken. The make up version of the door to Number 10 Downing Street SW1 was well done though of course the Bonham's wooden floor is a give away as youngest sister showed recently through a photo of her outside the real front door where there is of course a pavement.

Other pictures include:

The old internal telephone exchange at Buckingham Palace (see left) the Netflix actor of the young Queen Elizabeth   and some royal family easy chairs see below:

After viewing the well presented displays, we adjourned to the nearby Oxford Street John Lewis where  an inexpensive lunch was enjoyed by the three of us, before returning to the Tube and home.

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