Friday, April 19, 2024

Human Conflict

A time for reflection, given the fighting in Ukraine, Sudan,  Israel, Gaza and Iran to name those areas which come to mind.

There is or was a beautiful Orthodox Church in Gaza:

Western society has enjoyed  a relatively peaceful existence since WWII. Possibly this peace causes many in the West to  attempt to prevent states which are attacked from retaliating. 

I have no special affinity for Israel. Perhaps many of the region's current difficulties stem from WWII itself or earlier. I am no historian but the fact of millions of Jewish people being massacred by the Germans during WWII gave rise to many the current issues in the Middle East over 70 years later.

Possibly much of today's conflict in the Middle East could have been avoided if Germany, the country mainly responsible for killing so many Jewish people  by 1945, had been required to carve out a decent part of its nation for Jewish people within which to settle, rather than creating essentially a new or maybe renewal of an ancient, Israel.  The UK  no doubt with the support of allies,  commenced Israel's (re)creation years earlier after WWI, prior to which the area was part of the Islamic Ottoman empire. 

History is  usually impossible to fathom as interpreting what occurred and why, depends so much on an  individual country's interpretations of fact. Add to that, the selfish (putting the description mildly) nature of so many dictators and rulers, the suffering of many people in different countries since the time of the ancient Egyptian pharoes if not before, is surely largely down to such leaders' actions?

President Putin for example, inititially described his incursion into Ukraine as a "Special Military Operation" but only recently admitted that Russia is at war with its neighbour. The West, especially the EU but including the UK at the time, stood by when Putin's Russia previously invaded and took control of the Crimea from Ukraine.

Sudan likewise has been at war for months, yet the opposing generals in the war, are really only fighting for the enormous potential wealth  that there is in that country. 

The Romans enslaved people for years; so did the British and many African states including the  pharoes of Egypt mentioned above,  and I recall  learning at school about for example, the Aztecs and Incas.   Thus  none of the human race is exempt. 

More prayer and less disastrous fighting, are the only answers I can fathom.

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