Friday, January 10, 2025

Spy Novels - UK and USA

From the point of view of an interesting read, I prefer UK spy novels to their USA  counterparts. 

Fewer guns and more intellectual stimulation. Thus there is no comparable to Mick Herron's Slough House novels which are even accurately depicted on Apple TV. 

The Slough House spies are rejects from MI5's  fictional HQ in Regents Park. Their own offices are in Aldergate Street London.


Henry Porter's  Novels are riveting reads but require a fair degree of concentration.

Currently  the above novel which I believe was Henry Porter's first, is proving an excellent read. I am not sure if any of his works are  filmed like those of Mick Herron above but they certainly deserve to be.

The best American Spy thriller writer  in my view is.David McCloskey though certainly  there must be many others that I have not yet read.

Of course, there are many more books and tomes to absorb beyond spy thrillers. 

One or two non-fiction (or almost)  tomes have also proved absorbing like Precipice by Robert Harris.Precipice  but its is great to revert afterwards to a well written novel.


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