Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Shares investing - a waiting game or ZYZYGY again.

Investing in London's LSE AIM share market
is a risky business at the best of times but my theory is that
the key quality of
of good investor is patience. I bought some ZYZ shares for my pension
fund eons ago and the way things are going I may have to wait
until retirement until any gains show through. They have been talking
of their expected big contract win for months, as AIM companies usually do.
However today's ZYZ official news is that maybe only a couple more weeks...

"The directors of Zyzygy Plc announce that whilst the intended IPO of their
investee company MarineTrack plc ("MarineTrack") is proceeding, they have
decided to delay the process until a decision has been made in respect of
certain major contract negotiations currently being undertaken by MarineTrack
and the effect of that decision on MarineTrack's valuation becomes clear. The
Zyzygy directors believe that a decision will be taken within the next two weeks
following which the Company expects to complete the AIM admission process."

Meanwhile patience continues to be a virtue and the jury is still
out on my theory that that virtue is a key quality of a good AIM investor.

1 comment:

Spy Novels - UK and USA

From the point of view of an interesting read, I prefer UK spy novels to their USA  counterparts.  Fewer guns and more intellectual stimulat...