Saturday, March 29, 2008

HCPT Group 35 in 2008

Some instant but random jottings:

The death of an old friend and cofounder of HCPT Group 35
after the 2007 pilgrimage made this years especially one for
times of contemplation.

Rained every day - first time in over 40 years of pilgimaging
with the HCPT that I can remember so much rain during Easter week.

The 3 of us who are aged c.59 were far older than the other helpers in
the group - which made for much invigorating mental gymnastics at times.

Spontaneous singing of popular music (including James Sit Down, one of my favs.)
with guitar accompaniement at a faded French cafe
in Lourdes old town was as popular with some local Frenchmen proping up
the bar as it was with Group 35 children and helpers.

Collecting transfers for the circular disc necklaces to confirm
visits to the baptistry, the hospital the Cachot and the Grotto
was much fun in the rain, but whereas in England the roads
around one (Le Cachot) of the places likely to be visited by millions
during this 150th anniversary of the apparitions, might be dug up
and almost impassable by walkers let alone wheelchairs, its building site like
atmosphere was a surprise in France.

All the Groups children and helpers gelled brilliantly together as group
this year without mishap.

Much learning love prayers tears and singing were had by all.
A vintage year - for which many thanks to all.

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Hope - Pope Francis

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