Saturday, July 26, 2008

NHS in C21 - How Does it Work in Practice?

92 year old mum's fall nearly three weeks ago led to her breaking her
left wrist and cracking a femur (or 2?).

Admission to St Helier NHS Trust hospital
in Carshalton was v. efficient with no worries about how what and how much to
pay that often affects non-NHS systems. Clean and happy though the care
at St Helier Hospital proved to be, there is no hiding the fact that the hospital
is housed in a hideous pre WWII building that is well past its
sell by date now. Staff were helpful but seemed so busy that
there was a dearth of information - would the broken wrist need an op.?
How long to mend? What effect on mum's mobility would the cracked femurs
have etc.

The small ward of 4 lady patients was nice but reminded me too
much of very early boarding school dormitory sleeping conditions.

So after c. a week
of St Helier NHS TrustHospital the NHS was proving I thought, adequate
but not really ideal for C21 UK.

However things then took a huge turn for the better. She was moved
still courtesy of the NHS, to a very comfortable London Borough
bonebreak rehab lodge near home as well.
Again the NHS freedom of hassle about payment
at the point of need/entry is a great boon. Mum was given her own private room
with decent food, TV etc and even her visitors are offered tea.
Physiotherapists attend daily and the way things are going, she should
be well enough to return home within a few days.

Overall then my conclusion are that the NHS is getting a little elderly and
at times frayed looking but is fit for purpose also
deep down it still has spirit and
does what is needed well over and above the minimum safety net expectation.

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