Sunday, July 04, 2010

Wither Weather

A sense of foreboding prevails lately caused by the unusual weather. Today is the last day of Wimbledon Tennis fortnight and we have for  past 13 and a half of those days basked in hot sometimes very hot sunny conditions. The new centre court roof has not had to be used once for rain protection although it was used to enable one match to carry on afte rdark  until 11pm using the floodlighting under the roof - a record.

Today the 14th day of the tennis, is still rain free but the wind is now howling around like a March gale. Yet March it is most definitely not.  The heat and humidty during last Sunday's jog over Wimbledon Common even at the earlier than usual start time last week of 07:15 were such that  my usual fellow jogger decided to give jogging a miss for a week or two until  what used to  be normality, prevails and we have some cooling rain again.

The recent  photographs of the part of the coastline at Bournmouth ablaze rather like summer some scenes from summer  fires in Portugal and Spain, reinforces the feeling of foreboding and only a few days ago there were floods pouring through a town in S.E France. Now it's Mexico's turn - maybe those who deny global warming have no time for  senses of forboding or do not see news of such events though I accept that even before global warming weather was sometimes extreme. The "sometimes" are increasing in  their frequency and geographical spread.

Yet it is of course good to see crowds enjoying the sun in  shirtsleeves and shorts in London   though I was pleased to pass by at the end of my (solitary) jog this morning  those siging in for a 10k race  scheduled to start later from just off Parkside because by 8:30am the sun was again begining to roast.

Hopefully  the maytrees treck to Cornwall will be during the sunny rather than drenching   rain, global warming  incidents.

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