Saturday, April 16, 2011

Two Almost Random Thoughts

1. Last night the  Superior General of the  Society of Jesus Father Adolfo Nicolas came to  Wimbledon  and gave a fascinating and deep talk at the ordinary week-day evening mass.  The church was packed. Part of his theme was 'fear not' and he called upon his experiences in Japan and with Los Angeles gangs to illustrate his message.

2. At the end of  registering  this morning for the London Marathon tomorrow,  goody bags containing some Fuller's Ale were provided to entrants,  presumably  intended to provide us all with some Dutch courage

The juxtaposition  of "fear not" and "Dutch courage"  appeals to my odd sense of humour.

Thank you to all those who have sponsored my Marathon efforts - there is still time to do so using the link on this site.


  1. Good luck, Jerry. Hope the weather is as you like it!

  2. Jerry, I believe you passed the finish line a while back, well done you!!

  3. Thank you Barnaby and Mary
    I have since blogged a little about the day.


Family Breakfast at The Wolseley Piccadilly

Oldest  son Ed having come to England for a 40th birthday treat for his wife Gillian, most of us decided to meet them both for breakfast at ...