Saturday, November 12, 2011

There Must be a God - The Late Brian Burgess Memorial Stakes

Hopefully another  Beaumont blog post will be possible after tomorrows Remembrance Sunday Mass for the BU war dead at the  Beaumont war  memorial but  I shared the following with  Brian's widow and many OBs last night at the annual London Beaumont Region  HCPT greyhound racenight  fund raising event:

The HCPT Group 35 old timers' (excepting young Rachel of course) table in the dining room,   had lost miserably on the first 4 races with each of our fancied hounds vying hungrily  for last place.

The 5th race - The Brian Burgess Memorial Stakes - was  sponsored by the Beaumont Union.  Brian  (RIP) had been the founder leader of HCPT Group 35 so we decided to say a prayer to him to intercede and placed a huge (£5) stake on the outsider to win. The hound, aptly named Incredible Miss, romped home to win. We recouped all our losses and a little more so quit while ahead.

As I said to Brian's widow Elizabeth  (herself a former Group 35 nurse) afterwards,  this surely proves that not only is there a god but also that Brian is  right up there with him.

1 comment:

Old Friends

One of the biological facts of age, at least in my own case is that the older one becomes, the more friends that fall by the wayside though ...