Wonderful meal and the restaurant well deserves its 3 Michelin ***.
My meal comprised:
Agnolotti, peas, broad beans mint marjoram and 'sariette de banon' to start
Cornish Cod wrapped in Kombu sesame shiitake mushrooms and grilled onion as the delicious main course with
mint parfait with lime and rum granite in cocoa nibs.
Mrs maytrees had:
Pickled and charred fennel salad with smoked mackerel dill creme freche and cucumber to start;
A delicious pork with coco de paimpal; Morteau sausage mustard and apple for her main course and
Strawberry custard tart with honey and lavender ice cream for her pudding.
And we were both given some off the menu appetisers to whet the appetite at the start of the lunch and with coffee and mint tea after the meal, which were really delicious.
The maitre de hote was French from Dijon which I believe is where fellow old Beaumont blogger with his French wife and family have their home
see The Subliminal Mr Dunn and was so hospitable that he showed us round the restaurant's kitchen.
The many staff both serving and behind the scenes with the cooking and food preparation, produced such really fine food that it must rank among the best dining out in the UK both of us have ever enjoyed.
As will see from the photos on the right and below and their own description that:
We were fortunate enough to find a bus stop just outside the exit to the Physic Garden and were able to take the local bus back to Clapham Junction train station for the SWTrain home to Wimbledon.
A great away day.
What a very interesting post, Jerry. My daughter speaks very highly of the Chelsea Physic Garden and we really must go and see it when next we're over. As for the Gordon Ramsey restaurant, that gives me a very good idea for a (contribution to!) a birthday for my daughter and son-in-law.