Sunday, November 29, 2015

HCPT London Beaumont and The Dogs at Wimbledon

The grey hound races at Wimbledon Stadium  have  now become a very successful  annual fund raising event for the London Beaumont region of HCPT which takes   40 + disabled children and young adults to Lourdes each year,  This annual  event for 2015 took place last Friday.

HCPT Group 729 was well represented and we had  two tables in the stadium's dining room.

Bernie  chaired one table of  her friends  from Iraq and the  British/Arab chamber of commerce and the second table comprised other past and present members of Group 729. As it happened lessons taught by one of Bernie's Iraqi friends during the same event in 2014, paid handsome dividends in 2015 as of yours truly's six £2 flutters on the actual dog races, four  were successful giving a small profit on the evening. The very first time that such has occurred.

Interestingly after the HCPT fund raising  human race, half way through the proceedings (where I lost a £5 stake) the managing director of Wimbledon Stadium who had for the first time personally taken part in this running race in the  blustery wind and rain, then followed that through with some great public announcements about HCPT.

At the end of the evening at c. 10:30pm three of us from HCPT Group 729 having just missed a bus   back to the town centre decided to walk to the next stop but then missed a second bus so walked the whole way  back   to Wimbledon SWT station  - fun  despite the wind and rain.

Last week there had been local news that Chelsea FC  football  club was paying £4m for the AFC Wimbledon's football ground in nearby Kingston for use by Chelsea FC's ladies team.

The rumour is that AFC Wimbledon wish to buy the greyhound racing stadium (the last one remaining in London) and convert the same to a brand  new football stadium thus enabling them to return to a ground in Wimbledon only a 1/4 mile from the original ground of the old Wimbledon Football club.

All this could mean that 2015 proves to be the final HCPT greyhound racing fund raising event.

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