Friday, March 25, 2016

HCPT - Lourdes 2016

The annual HCPT pilgrimage to Lourdes is due to commence this week end. This will be the 60th anniversary of the founding of HCPT - The Pilgrimage Trust following the first pilgrimage made by a doctor  nurses and  disabled children from Chailey Heritage in Sussex.

HCPT Group 729 is due to travel down on Easter Sunday: Eurostar from London St Pancras at c. 8am British Summer time; Paris Gare du Nord; bus to Gare Montparnasse then TGV arriving in Lourdes all going  well after 8pm French time.

The pilgrimage will I am sure be  full of laughter, prayer, sadnesses, joy tears and  hopefully some recreation too.

In the recent past there have been  many sorrows affecting friends and family which  are largely natural sadnesses. In addition there are  many recent largely man made horrors, such as the senseless killings in Brussels by international thugs under the guise of religion, so there will be much to pray for whilst in Lourdes.

Yet many wonderful and memorable events usually occur whilst on  pilgrimages  to Lourdes which perhaps  explains at least partially, why so many people travel down to that part of the Pyrenees annually with the HCPT.

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