Sunday, November 05, 2017

NHS - Part 3

Having been well cared for as an NHS inpatient at St George’s hospital for about a fortnight, I was slightly apprehensive about whether upon being discharged home, I or rather we being Mrs maytrees and 27 year old maytrees min as well as yours truly would be left to deal with rehabilitation as best we could in our own amateur fashion.

Not a bit of it at least so far. The NHS has provided two physiotherapists who attend the maytrees house hold. They have provided a programme of home exercises which are required to be undertaken three times daily; furthermore upon perceiving the pace of recovery they have arranged for further equipment eg that facilitating the carrying of food and drink to be delivered quite free of cost.

There are of course quite a number of weeks of healing to go through yet, with ample time for mistakes to be made by yours truly nonetheless the dedication of the NHS staff is impressive. 

Already switching from Zimmer to crutches is under way with the next significant challenge being that of climbing the stairs once again.

Also impressive is the work of local Catholic parishioners in ensuring that holy communion is brought to me at home.

Only when easy mobility is suddenly taken away does one begin to appreciate the real beauty of the human condition previously taken in my case, completely for granted. 

Astonishing too at least to me is the cost free nature of all the above NHS support. 

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