Monday, May 20, 2019

Hitting 70 (years)

The arrival of one's 70th birthday seems to take so little time after leaving school at 18.

However family was keen to ensure that the event was celebrated in style, so there was supper  on the day, with  and  prepared by, maytrees min for mrs maytrees, maytrees min and myself.   

This was followed later in the week by a birthday lunch at the home of maytrees ma, who prepared the meal with family assistance, her husband and our two grandchildren  and attended by maytrees min and ourselves.

Another birthday party is scheduled by maytrees max upon his next sojourn from Jersey, in a couple of weeks. 

Maytrees mi is in New Zealand.

Grand daughter Emma produced the following birthday card:

Which really says it all, except that she probably drew the hair the colour it ought to be rather than the grey it is.

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