Saturday, November 14, 2020

Covid - 19

Given that even the USA presidential election was subject to so much information about Covid-19, alas the pandemic finds a space in my blog post this week. 

Sadly, one of my sisters has been stricken by Covid-19 and is, and  has been, an in-patient in St Georges NHS Trust hospital in SW London, for coming on for three weeks. 

Even more sadly, is the fact that a friend of hers, who she 'introduced' me to years back but who turned out to be an old Beaumont boy from my own year in that long since closed Jesuit school, has just died and a memorial service for him may be held at Westminster Cathedral after the pandemic is over. 

Still the younger sister, Sebastian and I, had a good laugh when the "introductions" were being made

On a more positive note, the reports that there is one probable vaccine and others on the way provide grounds for hope though we will have to wait and see.

May Sebastian R.I.P.

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