Monday, November 01, 2021

Selling "The Wandering Soul" (or trying to)

The Jesuits were kind enough  on Sunday last to allow me to endeavour to sell my autobiography "The Wandering Soul" in their Farm Street Church hall after two morning masses:

The weather was really atrocious at 8am on the Sunday morning so much so that mrs maytrees was unable to travel with me as planned. The suitcase of books was extremely heavy so that using  lifts at the various train and tube stations was essential. Interesting  also is that so many of the old stations at which lifts have been installed, had obviously  tested the ingenuity of those installing the lifts, or elevators as Americans call them, taking users through umpteen passages and tunnels to the lifts, that I had not seen previously.

In the  Farm Street church hall a space for my selling the book was attractively laid out; coffee and biscuits abounded.

After mass parishioners and clergy came into the hall for chats over the coffee and biscuits and they were kind enough to buy a dozen or so books with the Church bookshop taking three for subsequent sales for all of which I was very grateful. 

The parishioners were very interesting to chat to. One for example, told me of his  walk  to Santiago de Compostela during which unfortunately he broke his arm. His wife who had not accompanied him on the walk  added to me that the Spanish plaster cast was heavy and old fashioned so that on his return to England, a lighter, modern cast replaced it under the NHS. She also added that she knew he wished to undertake the walk so was content for him to do so alone.

The journey back from Waterloo was quite difficult as all trains from there had been indefinitely postponed owing apparently to trees falling on the lines. Indeed later that day there was a train derailment on the line from Waterloo apparently caused by  such obstacles. 

However as I was about to leave the main line station to head for the Tube a Guildford via Wimbledon service was announced, which took me safely home.

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