Saturday, March 02, 2024

Viewing Art at Sotheby's

Friday 1st March was not my first visit to Sotheby's, for example younger brother, his wife, mrs maytrees and I attended last year to view its Freddie Mercury exhibition; see Freddie Mercury

However, yesterday mrs maytrees was  to meet with an old friend  and then together they were to  view a film in Victoria, so I decided that for myself, another trip to Sotheby's Mayfair would be opportune.

The auctioneers next week in London, are due to hold their auction of many modern works of art so my visitation yesterday morning, proved interesting.

The several floors of galleries were open to visitors though on a Friday morning they were uncrowded and enjoyable to wander through, admiring (mostly) the paintings on display; photos of some of my favourites appear below. The Times published a painting, a Hockney I recall, of what seemed to be a swimming pool. Art is a matter of taste but I was unimpressed by that particular painting.

Picasso himself intrigued  

As did a number of his works (above right)

But the display included works by several modern artists, including this one on the left, of Venice.

Interestingly a tourist guide had cleverly in my view, taken a group with her to look at the works of art on display and she commented on each work viewed by her small group. 

The guide's group did not affect people such as myself, viewing individually. Probably the tourist guide appreciated that Friday morning is  usually a quiet time at Sotheby's.

The painting below,  slightly intrigued me though I cannot recollect the name of the artist nor of the painter who did the above beautiful painting of Venice

Strangely enough the Renoir which I had seen in The Times

Did not appeal.

Sothebys interestingly provided estimates of the sums for which they expected each of the paintings would be sold,  during their auction next week. The expected sums are huge, for example about £9m for one of the Picassos shown above, though the Renoir, including the actual vase which features in his painting above, may well go for more.

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