In recent years the media seem to have commented on climate change almost in line with their own political leanings.
Thus the (left wing) Guardian has been prone to express concern about the globe rapidly heating up if not to boiling point certainly to a point where mankind will be unable to return the world's temperature to a safe level reasonably speedily. The (right wing) Daily Mail however comments to the effect that the current weather/temperature position is simply in line with the ebb and flow of the world's climate and temperature over many years and that there little need for concern.
Having last studied science at school a few years back, deciding now who to believe and what should be done by mankind has been difficult but despite being generally of a right wing political nature I conclude that the left wing papers are at least correct to warn of the dangerous effects of mankind's carbon fuel consumption on the world's climate and weather.
Maintaining the status quo as regards the world's climate and within reason doing more or less as I please is obviously the most attractive option. However I increasingly doubt whether this is the apt course for mankind in C21 if we are to continue to thrive or perhaps even survive in the years not too far ahead.
Today's Indy (admittedly as politically left as the Guardian) has an interesting article on the subject supported by a professor of climate change from East Anglia University and another climate scientist eg:
A very interesting post, Jerry, and one of your best IMHO. Over here in eastern France, it's been one of the hottest summers I can remember!